Thursday, January 13, 2005

What Does Moving on Really Mean for Me Now?

What does moving on really mean for me now?

This is the question that I have been asking myself lately. It all began during our Bible study in Seri Kembangan as we were doing one of our studies on Nehemiah. The Lord showed me through Nehemiah’s life that Nehemiah always moved on as he served his God and people. Upon completion of the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls, he went on to the tasks of repopulating Jerusalem and leading spiritual reforms in Judah. He never stopped nor rest on his laurels. His life was about moving on from one task to the next, inspired by the vision and passion that was given to him by God.

As I reflect upon my own life, I realize that I have stopped right where I was, ever since I handed over my role as CFMMU president. It has been very convenient for me to think that I have done a lot, and that it is time for me to take a break. No doubt that resting in God is as important as working for God, but it has been 7 months at least since I graduated, and I am still floating around, not knowing what my role is in the kingdom of God.

Recently, I called Joash, a friend of mine, out for lunch, mainly because I felt that I hadn’t had a chat with him for a long time. I had worked with Joash together as CG coordinators in the CF before, and he has been very encouraging to me. As we were having lunch, he mentioned that the CF members are often encouraged when they see graduates coming back to CF. He shared his belief that the seniors would play a pivotal role in the CF by being examples to the younger members. I agree with him, and I have always believed that the CF needs more seniors who will take up the challenge to be godly examples to the younger generation.

The discussion with Joash really made me think about what my role here in MMU is, especially in regards to the CF. Does God still have an important role for me in CFMMU? This thought has never occurred to me before, with all the things I hear from other CF graduates about moving on in life. Any of us graduates who still go to CF are often cheekily chided about not being able to ‘move on’. No doubt we have to move on, as Nehemiah did. But the question remains: What does moving on really mean for me, now that I am still in MMU? I am reminded of the time when I had just completed my undergraduate program. I wanted to serve God in FES, but then faced opposition from my parents. I ended up working as a research officer in MMU, while pursuing my postgraduate degree here. Didn’t I want to be involved in student work? Could it be that THIS is the door that God is opening for me into student ministry? Even though I am not in FES, isn’t it true that I can still be a part of it by helping out wherever God has placed me, in this case, MMU? These thoughts continue to dwell in my mind as I commit to pray and seek God regarding this matter for the coming weeks. I pray that I will be able to move on, into new adventures with my Saviour, as He reveals to me what role I am to play in His kingdom and what new task He has in store for me.


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