Monday, January 17, 2005

The Little Things that Matter

I had the opportunity to meet up with Joseph for lunch today. Joseph was the CF vice president when I was serving as the president, and is still the current vice president. We have enjoyed a lot of one on one chats in the past, and this time, we were able to talk about things ranging from girls, to CyberChristmas to issues in CF. I really enjoyed working with him last year, mainly because I believe our personalities and opinions really complemented each other. I have always been the gentle and compliant type, whereas he was always more direct and more firm. He was the more active and the more upfront kind of leader, while I am the more passive and prefer to work behind the scenes. Anyway, he always had something to say about things. No doubt I do not always agree with him on certain matters, but he has helped me many times before to see things in a different light.

One thing that I can remember from this little talk with him was this point that he brought up. Sometimes, as leaders, we come up with various strategies and plans to move our ministry into a particular direction, or to address a certain concern. We have big ideas, big plans and big dreams. However, do these methods and strategies always work? We have speakers come and talk about particular issues that we want to address, but does it work?

Joseph and I agreed that sometimes, it is the little things that work better. The little things that we do as individuals, the little things we say and the little time we spend just by being there. If we want the CF to be united, will inviting speakers to talk about unity help at all? Or will it be the little time spent together as CF members, encouraging one another and helping one another? Will it be the times spent together working towards a shared goal like CyberChristmas? How much can a sermon affect the CF? How long can we remember a particular sermon anyway?

We only had to look at Annette as an example of this principle. By now, I cannot remember most of her sermons in CF. However, I will always remember her character, her example, the Bible studies we had and the little chats we had. I cannot remember anyone else who has had such a profound influence on my life. But what made her such an influence and a great mentor to me was not her sermons and workshops. It was just by her being around, doing the simple and little things that she did.

Many times, we want to have big roles and do big things in God’s kingdom. We look at popular evangelists and leaders and sometimes wished that we could be like them. Just like James and John, we want to have the best seats next to God. We have big dreams. We have big visions. But Jesus reminded us that it is the lowly who will be exalted.

Could it be, that as God is leading me into something new, He wants to let me know that it will be the little things that I do that will really matter? Could it be that God is calling me into a role where I will just be doing the little things? I will wait patiently on Him as He reveals His purposes for me, little by little…


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