Friday, April 01, 2005

The Impossible Made Possible

It’s been a month since Dr Ewe asked me to write the conference paper for PIERS. It felt like an impossible task back then. However, there has been slow and steady progress. Tomorrow is the deadline, but I managed to finish the paper today. I submitted it to Dr Ewe for checking. I then left work early to drive to KLCC to meet Aik Leong, who is here in KL for some work. We talked over tea at Chilli’s.

Well, it’s been a month. God made the impossible possible! I want to express my gratitude to Him for taking care of it. I made it! And I’m sure God had everything to do with it! Now I look back at this hurdle in my research work and realize how much it has helped me. If not for the pressure, I wouldn’t have even begun learning how to use Dr Ewe’s program. Now at least I know how to use it to run simulations. Thank God!


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