Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Strikes Hard...

In New Orleans, caregiver Sarah Johnson yells for help for her elderly patient

This picture says it all...

In the meantime, street gangs go looting and raping... certain groups of Christians go around preaching repentance because this was God punishing the homosexuals...

As of now, I've not heard of any country saying anything about helping the US in relief efforts. So much for gratitude of their assistance in the tsunami relief efforts. No doubt they are a rich nation, but that doesn't mean the rest can't help.

Lord have mercy...


At 11:38 AM, Blogger .anna.begins. said...

We're so so so blessed to be living in Malaysia...

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Dave said...

ya, man... How is it that America gets walloped for every mistake? But nobody lifts a finger to help...

At 10:46 AM, Blogger sojourner said...

well.. I read in Sunday's newspaper that some of the countries like Thailand, UK and others are already sending help! Thank God!


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