Thursday, September 29, 2005


The scientific community is buzzing. Finally… after all these years… For decades (maybe even centuries), the search for the elusive ‘Kraken’ has been fruitless. There were the few carcasses washed up onto seashores, some dead ones caught by deep sea fishermen, pieces of leftovers in the stomachs of their only predator, the sperm whale, but no one has ever seen one alive (apart from ancient sailors who claim to have had encounters with these sea monsters). Scientists and researchers have been attempting for years to capture one on film using some of the latest deep sea technology without success. These giants of the deep remain a mystery to science. No one has ever filmed them or photographed them alive in their natural habitat… until now. I read with excitement these articles on CNN and the Discovery Channel website. Everyone is excited about this breakthrough in marine biology. A live giant squid in its natural habitat! Unbelieavable…

I do wonder however, why this news took so long to reach the general public. The film was supposed to have been captured September last year. Oh well, maybe they wanted to confirm it or something…


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kraken is one big, giant octopus?
Think it look some sort like a collosal squid!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger sojourner said...

it's a giant squid ler... :P

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Think I saw one documentary about Sperm Whale vs. Collosal Squid on Astro last time at your place.

Same sotong? Look like will taste quite good.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger sojourner said...

nopes... colossal squid is a little bit bigger than giant squid. And it's never been seen or filmed alive before also.. :D

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