Monday, March 21, 2005

The Adventure Stops, For Now

After spending just one week on McLaren’s ‘A New Kind of Christian’, I have finally come to the end of the book. I can say that this book has been a refreshing read. I find myself thinking more about the issues that have been raised about the effects of culture on Christianity. How we read the Bible, how we view the Church, the role of the Church in the world and what the gospel really means; maybe it is time we rethink all these things. I share in many of his thoughts, yet there are others that really frighten me. I can’t wait to get my hands on the second book, ‘The Story We Find Ourselves in’, and have further adventures with Neo, Dan and possibly CB. As for now, I’ll have to be content with reading articles on the Emergent and postmodern Christianity. I’m curious to find out more about it, maybe even participate in their dialogues.


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