Friday, March 24, 2006

The Last Word

The last time I read a book that had the words ‘The Last Word’ in it, I was left with my beliefs shaken as my mind filled to the brim with questions and more questions (Yes, it was Brian McLaren’s ‘The Last Word and the Word After That’!). It was, together with its 2 prequels, the beginning of my journey to a new understanding of Christianity. Not long after (and a few more books later), my long-held understanding of Sola Scriptura and the inerrancy/infallibility of the Bible went out the window as well, leaving me in a state of uncertainty. Would I end up becoming what many would call a ‘liberal’ Christian who keeps certain passages of the Bible that appeal to me while throwing out those that don’t? What kind of authority would the Bible have on me from then on? Even at that stage, I still very much enjoyed studying the Bible with my friends, as well as on my own. But the question remained. What authority does the Bible have and what role does it play in the Church?

It is kind of odd, that a book with a similar phrase on its cover would provide me with very convincing answers, and provide a kind of closure (whether it is temporary or permanent remains to be seen) to it all (and of course, the journey is still ongoing!). The works of N. T. Wright, currently my favorite author, have been very inspiring. In those areas that Brain McLaren left me questioning my previous beliefs, Wright has provided me with scholarly views and biblical studies with a totally fresh perspective to answer those questions. That’s why I’m sort of on a personal crusade to read everything that he has ever written, including his ‘For Everyone’ commentaries of the entire New Testament! So I was not surprised that after reading ‘The Last Word: Beyond the Bible Wars to a New Understanding of the Authority of Scripture’, I feel a sort of closure in my struggles with Sola Scriptura and the authority of the Bible. I’ll be summarizing some of Wright’s points in the near future as I indulge myself in my second reading of this short but very profound book.


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Sivin Kit said...

where did you get the book? I'm looking for it. But can only start buying books after lent

At 2:04 PM, Blogger sojourner said...

hello! got it at borders. I think there are a lot more copies of it at the one in the Curve.


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