Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bukit Tinggi Weekend

Last weekend was Bukit Tinggi with the mission trip gang. Nice place. There was much fun, laughter and relaxation in a refreshing environment. But most of all, the trip was very educational, filled with great opportunities to improve one’s knowledge. What did I learn?

1. Szu Li is good with quizzes.
2. Kat can stay on the phone for a long time.
3. Chris has lots of friends in Bukit Tinggi, though I would think that most of them came (and they came in the hundreds!) because they were attracted to the light rather than to visit him.
4. Joash can maneuver a four-wheel drive with expert ease… and he sweats a lot.
5. Jane’nette is very proud of her boyfriend and will jump at every opportunity to show him off to others, thus making other girls around green with envy and all the other guys around suffer from low self esteem.
6. There IS such a thing as beginner’s luck – Su Chen proved it twice.
7. Houston is NOT a state in America (a painful lesson though it was).
8. Gender equality is selective – it only applies when those who are endowed with estrogen producing glands are the ones reaping the benefits.
9. The statement that men are in nature more competitive compared to women (who are more cooperative) is false. When it comes to the battle of the sexes (or in any game in which women go up against men), women can be treacherously competitive.
10. The word ‘formication’ exists, even though Microsoft Word dictionary does not recognize it. And it has nothing to do with sexual immorality.
11. Bugs are your friends (especially big ones with weird looking horns on their heads).
12. Pelting someone with ping-pong balls can be an exhilarating experience.
13. If you are playing a game in which you have to pick up ping-pong balls that have been thrown at you, make sure you sit near the wall and that there are no stacks of furniture behind you.
14. Having nicknames like gonorrhea and syphilis after learning these terms in Human Development is NOT cool.
15. A ‘hooker’ is something that you use to hang clothes in the bathroom.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Huorë said...

I learn a few things in this trip: When some people just dont get your jokes, it might sound like a threat. Dont feed a stray dog unless you want it to follow you. Learn to use a 4-wheel gear when you are driving one. Solutions to discussions can be difficult when there are many types of personalities. Some girls are extreamly competitive. Deimmm, maybe all are competitive. Playing Cranium can be very preasurising to some ppl. Combine BBQ and steamboat = very full and happy. Tapau-ed food from Kg Bukit Tinggi, bad. Mostly thats it.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger sojourner said...

eihcus: yea, I was referring to chor-tai-tee... ahahaha... Cranium... also got a bit of luck lar :P I'm sure you have lots of reasons to be proud (right huore? :D)!

huore: yea man.. steamboat + BBQ = satisfied and fat... heheh


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