Thursday, October 20, 2005

October Rains...

The rain pours down in unending torrents…

Can’t work…

Staring out into the fields, taking refuge at the silo

Kids are playing, enjoying every single moment in their carefree world

I can hear the birds, singing in the rain

Rain is slowing down… but they never stop

Tears falling down from heaven… mourning the passing of our first lady…

How did a man whose wife was seriously ill manage to lead an entire country? How will he be able to go on? Who will support him? Who will care for him? Who will love him? The country mourns with him. Even the radio stations mourn… instrumental music, singing their soft melodies of peace and comfort to the nation.

And the rains add their magic ambience to the soothing orchestra. Pitter patter…pitter patter…

The winds blow, the paddy leaves dance, the music continues… I wish they played such music everyday. The skies are gray… in every direction, as far as the horizon. They are sad. It’s a sad, sad day.

We decided to join the birds…

Fishing in little puddles…

Under the gray clouds, in the breeze, feeling each drop of heaven’s dew on our faces… not very far away, a prime minister mourns the loss of his beloved wife… and the nation mourns with him…

Through the looking glass… what does a raindrop see?

A world upside down.

The rain stops…

Lying down on a cemented irrigation gate… admiring cloud formations. I can see the sun behind the gray layer of cloud. The breeze continues to blow across the fields. Above me the birds are flying across the sky. A cool, lazy afternoon.

Shoals of fish swim across the road like the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Big fish… small fish… Why did the fish cross the road?

Back to the car… more music… this time with sounds of running water and ocean waves. The country continues to mourn the loss of one life… one beautiful life. Meanwhile, the world mourns the loss of 50 000 lives in another country not far away. All over the world, people mourn…

The rains fall down again… pitter patter… pitter patter…


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