Friday, May 26, 2006

Thank God for the Da Vinci Code?

I’ve just watched the Da Vinci code last night. Well, it’s not as boring as other people have suggested it to be. It was a thriller, no doubt, with all its plot twists. It’s just too bad that I already knew what was coming, thanks to all the hype surrounding the movie, not to mention the flyers spreading all over. And it seems that almost every Christian blog is talking about it, putting links to articles about it, etc… and they are all full of spoilers!! It seems that the Christians are taking this work of fiction too seriously, even more than our non-Christian counterparts! So here I am, continuing with the trend… haha!

There are already more than enough articles claiming to rebut the theories put forth by Dan Brown about Jesus. I’ll be sick if I look at another one. Yes, yes, there are a lot of theological and historical errors in the story. But is there any truth in the Da Vinci code? Or, to reframe the question, does Dan Brown have a point?

Has the Church focused so much on the divinity of Jesus that we have forgotten how human He was? Do we need to allow Jesus to be the man that He was 2000 years ago? And there is no better place to see Jesus in all his humanness in the four canonical gospels. We don’t need to go to the Gnostic gospels (they don’t really portray Jesus as a human being anyway, since according to Gnostic beliefs, Jesus never had a physical body!).

And, has the Church forgotten its mission? Christianity began as a subversive and radical movement against the unjust powers of the first century, namely the Temple hierarchy, and the Emperor cult of Rome. No wonder they were mostly tortured or killed. Now it seems that Christianity is colluding with those powers and systems that Jesus openly criticized. Instead, the Church in certain parts of the world is turning against those people Jesus would have sought to protect – the sinners, the poor and the marginalized. The role has been reversed. No wonder people are so fed up with the Christians! No wonder they don’t like the version of Jesus that the Church seems to portray to the world. No wonder people believe that the Church is a power-crazy institution that will do anything to protect its power. Does the Church need to reevaluate what it stands for, and learn again as little children what it means to follow Jesus?

Thanks to the Da Vinci code, my colleagues are all talking about religion. They’re asking me more questions than ever before about Jesus. Every time we sit down for lunch, the topic is sure to enter the conversation. So I made it a point to watch the show with them. I guess the book and the movie are a blessing in disguise. No doubt it hurts to hear what the movie says about our Lord and Christianity. But we can be assured that the shame, humiliation and pain of Friday will ultimately lead to victory, joy and glory on Sunday…

On another note, the Church has gone to great lengths to teach its adherents how to differentiate between fact and fiction in the Da Vinci Code. We are reminded again and again that this is a work of fiction. Now, why doesn’t the Church do the same thing with another work of fiction that is equally as damaging and dangerous, if not even more so because many Christians actually believe it to be true? I’m talking about the ‘Left Behind’ series, which is as much fiction with as much theological errors as the Da Vinci Code is and has. Why aren’t there as many rebuttals and seminars about it?


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kevin starts posting again! Yay!
I suppose there ain't so many rebuttals and seminars about Left Behind cause many pastors themselves believe it to be true?

At 1:06 PM, Blogger dK said...

Some proclaim the Da Vinci Code as the worst movie of the year. Reviewers at the highly rated Cannes Film Festival gave a shrug to the movie.

I believe that ultimately God is in good control of the situation. I also believe that there is a reason why Da Vinci Code sucked - and that it may have a relation to it somehow being blasphemous on Christ (i haven't watched it - wanted to as first, but reading the reviews and what people said after coming out of the movie, told me not to waste my time on this movie).

Oh yea, and I think X-Men 3 was quite good compared to MI3. :)

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Huorë said...

read my post of why i think Jesus shouldnt be married in su chen's blog.

i understand your point of did cT forgetten its mission. its true that cT or right-wings (the anti-abortionist, anti-guns, anti-everything else in hollywood) are very powerful in US. they believe that what they are doing are right. who are we to tell them whether we are right or wrong? there are definately bad points why da vinci code shouldnt be shown but i perceive that it should be because it shows that we are not afraid of speaking up.

assumes that we ban the movie, or like the Martin Scorsese's 1988 film The Last Temptation of Christ (in which Jesus appears as a tormented, fearful young man confused by sex and uncertain of his path in life) we bought the movie rights and burn it. what happend then? will it make it look like muslim fanatics? definately! I always believe that cT are ppl that are loving and understanding and respect ppl's opinions. If they choose to believe what they believe it, its all we could do.

left behind series are just fiction la... but they try to be as close as can to the bible (i mean, they do twist certain things to it into their story but they try their best right? frankly, who actually can interpret revelations?). But Dan Brown is just ter-pesong la. How can you say Jesus is married? Kinda defeats the purpose of coming to earth, right? Or maybe he got side-tracted by a woman? Satan cant tempt him but MM can??? :))

At 11:02 AM, Blogger sojourner said...


well... I'm just making a point that we Christians need to be open for correction - we may think that we're being like Jesus when in fact we are so far from what He was like. Historically, we've made so many mistakes (crusades and etc). The high priests, Pharisees, Essenes and Zealots believed that what they were doing were right either. So did the Gnostics and Judaizers. And so did the crusaders. And so do we. So I feel that having that sort of attitude, that our understanding of Jesus and His mission should be open to correction, is helpful. :)

yup.. i don't see the point banning it also. Since its opened the way for so much dialogue!

haha... who can interpret revelations? dunno... :P

dunnola.. i think a lot of Christians are believing in 'left behind', that's why its so scary... everybody's waiting for some kind of rapture to escape from this world and go to Heaven rather than wanting to inherit the earth.

I believe one of Jesus' purpose of coming to earth is to show us what it means to be truly human... so i wouldn't consider marriage as a sidetrack. But like I said on eihcus' blog, like you, I'm quite certain Jesus wasn't married!

Thanks for the input! :)

daniel: I watched just so that I know what's happening, so i'm not blur when my friends are talking about it. And I'm too lazy to read the book... hehe...


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