Who Am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
John and Sharlene van Tonder came over to settle some matters at their respective embassies on Monday. Under the streetlamps, in the shadow of the Putrajaya mosque, they shared…
Out of the river onto the riverbanks
Out of the action into redundancy
Spectators watching from the sidelines
And this becomes the catalyst
For God’s work of formation
When all else is taken away
And the feeling of utter uselessness comes to stay
I feel… I feel…
The same way
Who am I? Who am I?
Who am I when self security is gone?
Who am I when I am no longer a man of influence?
Who am I? Who am I?
Who am I when all sense of enjoyment disappears?
Who am I… when I am no longer my own god?
Nothing, empty handed, that is who I am
This is how I came
This is how I go
Fearfully and wonderfully made
A child, in His loving hands
Bearing and reflecting His image
In a beautiful but scarred world
How many times have we heard?
How many times have we preached?
Yet how many times have we forgotten?
Who am I?
I guess I remember now…
In relation to God
In relation to the world
What do I do now
Knowing what I know about who I am?
All these I pondered as the music played on, the lights dimmed and Michael William closed his sermon in CF on the topic: Who am I?